Saturday, November 21, 2009

Bringing out the Scots in the Scot

In my quest to develop my skills as a Domestic Goddess (I am far from qualified yet!) and after the new batch of ginger beer was bottled, I had a notion for a soda scone with roasted cheese. Now if you're Scottish, you'll know what I mean. If you're not, then let me explain. I was brought up on toasted soda scones with melted cheese on them. It's kind of a comfort food and a bit like cheese on toast only better. As I can't just pop to the shops to buy some I hunted for a recipe and found one that was easy to follow here. The only problem I have with the site, and you can call me pedantic, is that they are described as "Scotch" soda scones. Now correct me if i'm wrong, Scotch is a drink....Scot'(s) is a person from Scotland? Agree? I digress, back to the scones. Here's a couple of pics;

Now, doesn't that look like the real thing? It was, only better. I thought of you Dad whilst enjoying, I know you'd approve :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

a couple of birthdays

I've had a bit of a sabbatical from here. Nothing really, just haven't had much joy to talk about lately. Stresses of daily life and concern for mum have kept my body and mind too active to sit down and have some clarity to write properly. I am. Our beautiful little boy was one on the weekend. I spent most of my birthday (the day before) icing his birthday cake and preparing for a family pot luck dinner with the in-laws. I went all out this year and felt inspired by sis in law P to try something other than a round or square cake. I don't sing my own praises often, but this I was chuffed with. Princess E helped make the blue icing and lick the various implements clean; resulting in a suitably blue toned face. Isn't being a kid just great?
Happy days, happy babies, happy parents, happy home :)


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