A couple of months ago I spoke to my friend, lets give her a blog name...Martha (you know who you are!), about getting together with a bunch of like minded ladies, generally Mums. The purpose was to share homemaking/crafting/gardening ideas with each other. This went down a treat as Martha had been thinking the same, and in fact her sister had set up a group where she lives. So we set about getting our little club together, and hey presto, the Kaiapoi Women's Institute (youth division) was born.
Here's the current KWI members (must think of a better name!)
Mrs T - Friend, Working Mum, 1 son, 1 Husband, 1 Golden Labrador puppy soon to be received. Look forward to meeting you Bessie!
P4Perfect (formerly P-Lala) - Friend, Sister in Law, Domestic Engineer, 2 sons, 1 Husband and soon to be new home owners at the wonderful Pegasus Town development. Why can't you stay living in the VM Commune?? What's wrong with us?
Martha - Founding Friend, Working Mum, 2 sons, 1 husband, 1 doggie called Morris, 1 insatiable appetite for anything gardening/crafty/baking etc etc etc. Do you get the name connection? Here's her blog; http://fromplot2plate.blogspot.com/
And last, but most certainly not least...
Miss MoneyP - Newest friend and a great find! - Working Mum (2 jobs), 2 daughters, 1 Husband, hidden craft talent, Netball/Athletics Extrordinaire.
Last week we met for the second time. We shared recipes, ate a wonderful frozen cheesecake made by this months host, Mrs T. Quaffed some wine (the painting took some concentration, so not a huge amount was quaffed). It was simply wonderful! Our purpose is to cover some of these topics on a monthly basis;
- In the Garden
- In the Kitchen
- In the Cleaning Cupboard
- In the Craft Basket
- In my Mind
Of course in a fun, non serious/but deadly serious kind of way.
Most of the subjects are self explanatory and In my Mind I feel is the opportunity for us to have a moan and groan or chat about anything that might be bothering us. Which I reckon I could probably hold court with for most of our meet up.
We decided on our first night to do Miss MoneyP's kids paintings. Boy did I think it would be a challenge. However, it was surprisingly easy. I haven't yet finished my cow painting for Master L's bedroom, but here's a picture of our wee group and our achievements. Aren't they fab??
Suggestions on a name other than Kaiapio Women's Institute are all welcome. In fact they are invited!