Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Project

I visited this little gem of a shop after a friend recommended it. Its a little haven of shabby chic and retro/ vintage stuff.

I bought this chair and intend to revamp it as a new stool for random use around the house. It will probably live in our music/ guest room as a softer seat to the alternative hard stool.

It's in pretty neat order.

It needs some new stoppers on the bottom.

The hot pink fluffy covering isn't to my taste so i'll probably replace with some vintage print oilcloth.

It's got a few specks of rust appearing on the legs, but my friend "Martha" who inspired me to find one of these stools has assured me that a steelo pad should bring it up bright.
Cost me $15 to purchase as is and probably another $40 to completely revamp it. I'll get the satisfaction of knowing I've done it myself.
Hope to update you in a couple of weeks with my "after" shots.
p.s I LOVE my new camera and taking pic's to share with you!! :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Week in Pictures

Boy, it's been a busy week. Birthday cakes, cooking, parties, sewing, socialising, and all the other stuff on top. Here's a sneaky peek at some of the stuff we've been up to this week. No pictures of the birthday party, some stupid woman forgot to put the memory stick into her camera!

Watching DVD's. My lifeline sometimes. Okay, a lot of the time.

Pre-school cake. Good old Edmonds One Egg Chocolate Cake.

Stef's tender meatballs. Recipe will follow. Unfortunately, slightly overcooked, but it was a huge batch and I erred on the side of caution with cooking them longer. Another silly woman moment.

New camera from Auntie and Uncle for birthday. Batteries....dead. New ones installed. Goodness only knows how long until I stop changing them altogether.

Happy Birthday Miss E.

Morning Princess.

Daddy's Princess.

The curse of blue food colouring. My fingernails haven't yet forgiven me.

Thankfully this stuff comes off easily enough.
Happy days everyone.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Photography. A work in progress.

Hello, my name is Gerald.

I am the subject of todays photography lesson.

I am also a slave to Miss E.

She insists that I comfort her at her will.

I am a reluctant participant.

I have never been washed.

I know I look happy, but I want to escape from this prison.

This woman has kept me sitting in this position for hours and hours whilst she interrogates me.

I have no water, no food. I have been subjected to multiple shots of bright light in my face.

I have cramp in my right leg, yet she still will not let me move.
I dream of escape.
I've been practicing.
Okay, so the shots aren't very exciting, but at least Gerald the Giraffe doesn't move.
My children move way too much for me to perfect my aperture and shutter speed skills on them.
I promise more dynamic shots for next time.
For now, PLEASE, someone send help for this poor neglected animal!
p.s. for some reason my formatting on Blogger goes mad if I type content before I insert photographs. If anyone knows why, save my sanity, please, I'm a control freak!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Woes of a Mother

You see this child?

Yes, this sweet, innocent child playing quietly with his toys.

This beautiful boy, my second child that I laboured and birthed in 2 and a half hours with no pain relief?

Well, don't be fooled.

This is what he did to me for weeks after his birth (I claim its payback for giving birth so easily). Reflux, just lovely. This went on for around 11 weeks until we got him onto the correct meds and baby rice.

He didn't sleep at night for 9 months. I then did controlled crying cold turkey. Call me a cold turkey if you will, but it worked. After 3 hours of perseverence, he slept. And has continued to do so. Until he decides he doesn't want to play that game any more.

Yes, he's wakeful when teething and sick, but any child is. That's what I tell myself when I've been awake for hours through the night and can't drag myself from my heavenly bed in the morning.

Yes, this child will be the end of me. Figuratively speaking of course, not litereally!

His new trick.....?

This is dummy number 4.
My darling 18 month old's response?
"Mama! Uh-oh...."
Uh-oh? Well my boy, you're onto the last one, cos they are $15 bucks a pair.
"Goodnight little man, sweet dreams. And DON"T chomp your dummy in half again!"
To top things off, visit to the docs today confirmed sudden onset of eczema all over his body (check rash on face in first pic), probably from the virus he had antibiotics for a week ago. Oh yes, and an ear infection in both ears. More antibiotics.
Lovely, just lovely.
My lovely boy :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The child is weird.

Miss E, what's that you're eating?

Peas, Mum. Yep, no problem with kids eating their veggies in this house. Wait.... let me get a closer look at those peas Miss E.....

Closer please.

Frozen peas? Oh dear. Weird child.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My new friend

What do you do when you purchase a new camera? Well, I started with a self portrait. I'm just thankful my face sporting hormonal spots on my chin is hidden. This is a good thing.

Followed by a random shot of a native feijoa tree in our garden sporting its soon to be harvested fruit. Yuk, don't like them. Tastes like the smell of (huh?) germoline that mum used to put on our grazed knees. Fruit and that smell don't go together.

And a random shot of the tractor in the back garden.

Toy tractor of course, we live on a 700 sqm section.
I'm happy. Very happy. I can share my randomness with you again.


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