Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Week in Pictures

Boy, it's been a busy week. Birthday cakes, cooking, parties, sewing, socialising, and all the other stuff on top. Here's a sneaky peek at some of the stuff we've been up to this week. No pictures of the birthday party, some stupid woman forgot to put the memory stick into her camera!

Watching DVD's. My lifeline sometimes. Okay, a lot of the time.

Pre-school cake. Good old Edmonds One Egg Chocolate Cake.

Stef's tender meatballs. Recipe will follow. Unfortunately, slightly overcooked, but it was a huge batch and I erred on the side of caution with cooking them longer. Another silly woman moment.

New camera from Auntie and Uncle for birthday. Batteries....dead. New ones installed. Goodness only knows how long until I stop changing them altogether.

Happy Birthday Miss E.

Morning Princess.

Daddy's Princess.

The curse of blue food colouring. My fingernails haven't yet forgiven me.

Thankfully this stuff comes off easily enough.
Happy days everyone.


  1. it is always lovely to see what you lot are up to :>

  2. The swiming pool is soooo cool. Is the blue water - coloured coconut?

  3. Awesome pool cake - excellent mummy job there.


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